
Telephone video, why people need the shut the fuck up and & why Michel Gondry is the biggest douche bag EVER

I'd like to start this blog off by saying this:



Because his shitty movie called "Eternal Sunshine of the pretentious Spotless Mind" is possibly ..no definitely.. the BIGGEST PIECE OF PRETENTIOUS POMPOUS SELF-INDULGED POINTLESS FILM EVER MADE. I was so bored with it I fell asleep on 5 different occasions before finally seeing it's anti-climatic ending.

He ran his mouth in an interview about Gaga and her video recently, "To me,i t's like a form of Marylin Manson. It's hard for me to talk about it; (i am going to interject for a moment and say hard for you to talk about it?" oh shut up you wet fucking tampon...) I've seen a couple of videos of hers, and not for very long. i stop watching them each time because I don't think there's melodies... The music to me is very expected (JUST LIKE THE PRETENTIOUS TREE-HUGGING TOFU LOVING ART-STUDENT MOVIE YOU MADE, MICHEL). I don't think there's anything in the tone or the melody that makes me say, 'Oh, there's something going on."

Before my hand reaches out across the planet to bitch-slap him- I'm going to say this. Music and Music Videos, like any form of art, are subjective to the viewer. What one person likes, another one will not. I get it. I hate the Beatles and indie-rock, and boring movies, like Eternal Sunshine, that are so wrapped up in pseudo-art student 'i like to listen to myself talk while drinking no foam soy lattes at Starbucks and writing my "original" screenplay' bullshit that I'd rather watch the Duggars express their love of child bearing and Jesus, than watch or listen to any of that.


What I don't like is people who believe their opinion is the ONLY opinion. And because they've directed videos for ARTIST'S WHOSE MUSIC THEY LIKE- any and all other forms of music are null and void.

I get into a lot of heated discussions at my job about music, specifically with my manager. She's a die-hard classic rock/beatles/billy joel fan who hates any music that's been made after 1995, specifically pop and dance music. At that point you're cut off from musical opinion.
People with that bias can no longer function in this day's society. I'm not saying my grandmother who doesn't quite get music now. I'm saying people who are of sound mind and old enough to at least try to evolve and can't. If you don't like dance or electronica music, that's fine. But to completely blow off one artist/its' entire genre is faus-pax on your part, ESPECIALLY when you're someone who "creates" yourself.

I like dance music; excuse me...good dance music. Lady Gaga is good. I think her beats are amazing and she's trying to at least give people a little something different.The ONLY similarity I could find anywhere was that Alejandro sounds a bit like an Ace of Base song (which to me is a good thing.)
And BY THE WAY, even if her sound sometimes sounds like another artist, 99% of all musicians do that. They always borrow a little from each other. Beatles took a rock sound from Elvis. Try to tell their over-zealous fans that their music isn't original. They'd kill you.

So douche bag aside,

This blog was actually supposed to be about the video for Telephone, which apparently has the world going to WWIII over.
I personally love it. Kill Bill reference, lesbians, leather, women's prision, killing me, Thelma and Louise, Honeybuns (which are awesome), Lady GaGa's poon, and oh..MORE LESBIAN THEMES.
Though Bad Romance probably is my fave music video of all time, Telephone is a close second.
Some people are so blow away by it that they're calling it the new and better Thriller, citing that GaGa is beyond Madonna and Michael Jackson.
Comparing Gaga to MJ is like comparing Elton John to Hendrix. They're both good but different in my eyes.
I do think Telephone is up there with those videos.

And people are freaking the fuck out about it. Conservatives can't even wrap their tiny little heads around it. "WOMEN? PRISON? MURDER? IT'S THE MARK OF THE DEVIL"
Yeah and apparently she's bringing lil' ol Beyonce down with her.
Let's not even get into Fox News, who wants it banned and once again calls on Jesus- who was dead 2000 years before the music video- to judge and say what is good and what isn't.
(note: any news station that declares a natural disaster as payback for a fictional pact with the devil is no longer a VALID news station. the next thing you'll hear is gnomes of Judah told them dinosaurs were actually over grown Golden Retrievers.)

In conclusion, if there is ever or will ever be one to what I have to say, I love this video, bad directors should shut up, and conservatives have no right to listen to music. Yup, you're banned from music forever.

If you don't like Telephone, DON'T WATCH IT.


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