
Irony of facebook and friends part I

So, the whole world is ruled by facebook. Yes? Okay moving on...

I find it incredibly amusing/ironic/somehow ..annoying.. that Facebook likes to "suggest" friends to me, as ifI'm some fucking incapable 4 yr old at a pre-school playdate. And I suppose the amusing/ironic/somehow..annoying..part is that they're people who hated me in high school OR people who unfriended me recently (or a few months ago.) As if by some miraculous gift of the inter-web gods, they'll be like "Hey..HER...yeah..let's be buddies."
Like I'm not sure which is more icing on the cake, suggesting I "friend" people who didn't like me/I had nothing in common with OR "friend" someone who removed me....

In the whole scheme of life, Facebook means shit. But for all intents and purposes of this post - let's ponder this all for a minute. Friending someone who ..doesn't want to be your friend. We kind of throw the term friend around loosely. Maybe we should make an "acquaintance" button. I won't be your friend but I'll talk to you on a social networking website.

Maybe I should be a ball-buster and just hit "request friend" to all of them and see what happens.
I'd love it if someone had the go-nads to actually say "I unfriended you for a reason. I don't like you," instead of being fucking pussies* and ignoring the "elephant on the table" as they call it.

I had a really deep and meaningful post about friendship, but I'm finding this is hard to type at almost 12:00am. So, I'll call this post Friends part I.


*also known as vaginas, wet-tampons, used kleenex, pansies, and cry-babies