
I hate European tourists in NYC

I hate them. I FUCKING hate them. I can't go ANYWHERE without bumping into one of these bumbling, arrogant, stupid people.
I'm not the type to make generalized statements about large demographics of people, but the majority of European tourists piss me the fuck off.

I know that the American coin might as well be made out of wood and their big, powerful Euro is going strong, but who goes on vacation solely to purchase things? Europeans. They will travel 7,8,9 + hours on a plane to come to NYC, shop and over-crowd stores, and leave. Some people call that capitalism. I call it obnoxious.

Have you ever had to wait in a line to get into Abercrombie? You'd think they were giving the shit away. I have an idea that if we closed Abercrombie for a day (as well as the new flagship Hollistier), that there'd be a mass Euro suicide. They can't live without it. Even funnier still is a lot of Europeans don't like Americans yet HOW MUCH MORE ALL AMERICAN COULD YOU TRY TO BE BY SHOPPING THERE!? I like that store, I don't care if I'm 25. I still shop there. Can I shop there though"? NO. I won't wait in a line for 30 minutes just to shop at a store I can easily get to in suburbia. It just bothers me to no end that I pay taxes out of my ass to live here, and something so simple as going into a store is made difficult by these people.

Let's also talk about STARBUCKS.

You go into starbucks and get stuck behind one of these chuckle heads. They stand there for about 10 minutes analyzing a small menu only to order 'un cafe" or "un cappucino". 20 MINUTES TO ORDER A FUCKING COFFEE!?!?!?
They look at that menu as if you just VIOLENTLY shook them out of a coma, punched them in the face, and dropped them in a starbucks.
The words CAPPUCINO, LATTE, etc are NON-AMERICAN WORDS. They are words that we have taken FROM THEM and yet they don't know what they're ordering. ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS?

I don't mean to hate on all Europeans. British, Irish, Scottish are all wonderful and don't fall under this lump that I'm creating. I'm Italian, by the way, and I'd rather go to Alaska than visit my homeland for fear the arrogance and snobbery of my own people will wrap itself around me and choke me.

probably more on this at a later date...